Yunoshi Lyon Releases Debut Project, Alone In The Dark (Demo)

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    Yunoshi Lyon Releases Debut Project, Alone In The Dark (Demo)
    Published: October 30, 2020

    This morning, South Carolina producer and hip-hop artist Yunoshi Lyon has released his debut project, Alone In The Dark (Demo). Yunoshi is a member of Columbia-based experimental music collective called the Voydd, of which Niecy Blues is also a member. Alone In The Dark (Demo) contains five alternative hip-hop / R&B tracks that explore the territory between vibed-out explorations and more upbeat, pop-oriented sections.

    The first track, “W.O.W.”, is firmly in the dreamy vibe territory, and is noteworthy for a vocal feature from Niecy Blues, who closes out the song with emotive singing similar to the style she explored on her CRY! EP. Later we have “Anybody”, which is surrounded in catchy electronic synth and has a much more lighthearted energy. The tape ends with a live recording of “I’m Gone”, sung with lots of reverb and a peculiar nighttime feel.

    Listen to Alone in the Dark (Demo) by Yunoshi Lyon below.

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