Watch Secret Guest with WSBF Live Sessions
Published: September 15, 2017
Secret Guest is like a box of chocolates, you always know it’s gonna make your dog sick. In case you haven’t heard, their new EP Dry Jest rocks. They stepped into the studio with WSBF radio to record a live session that is ripe with the attitude you can only expect from Secret Guest: not giving a damn and playing their instruments like they might die if they stopped. There’s also a special guest who steps in with them on the trumpet an extra long rendition of “Let’s Hang Out”: Daddy’s Beemer’s own Wesley Heaton. Stream it below. It’s almost as awesome as seeing Secret Guest in the flesh (winky face). Stream it below, if you want. You don’t have to, though.
“I’m Nothing Blues”
“No Buzz”
“Joker City”
“Faded History”
“Let’s Hang Out”