Thomas Xavier Kenney – “Grateful”

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    Thomas Xavier Kenney – “Grateful”
    Published: September 19, 2022

    Thomas Xavier Kenney, the Doom Flamingo guitarist, solo artist, and multi-hyphenate musician-about-town also known as TK, released a new single, “Grateful,” on Friday. It’s the first track the artist has released under his own name in ten years.

    “Grateful” is a chill instrumental groove. While the focal point of the track is Kenney’s crisp yet emotive guitar playing, there’s an ambient fuzz in the background, lending the soundscape a compelling retro sensibility. 

    The overall energy of “Grateful” is at once upbeat and relaxed, and it’s easy to imagine the sounds as an expression of gratitude from Kenney to the world.

    According to an Instagram post announcing the single’s release, Kenney felt that “This song is just straight up joyful noise,” and after listening, we wholeheartedly agree.

    Stream “Grateful” by Thomas Xaiver Kenney below, don’t miss him performing a special late night funk set with The Chillionaires at Extra Chill Fest on October 1st.

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