Texas Eclipse

  • 4
    Rank: Dew
    Points: 9.25

    Roll call?

    Eclipse lineup

    Rank: Ice Cube
    Points: 295

    Dude that’s a shit ton of performers! Are you going ? I heard Aggie is gonna be there with MeowWolf

    Rank: Dew
    Points: 9.25

    recap on Texas Eclipse –

    fest got cancelled today and is being compared to fyre fest which is a bit ridiculous. The production itself was one of the best I’ve seen – the music was absolutely top tier on the best sound systems I’ve heard. The attention to detail on their stages and amount of art installed was incredible to see. There was such a variety that took a lot of coordination and years of planning.

    I did hear of an avoidable death, that water ran out for 2 hours last night, that bathrooms weren’t maintained and that some agreements the organizers made with artists weren’t made good on. I can’t speak to these since I didn’t see any of it first hand. I can say there was reasonably priced food and that the music, art, yoga, science lineup was well executed.

    My guess is the sheriff shut down the festival since they oversold it and were lacking certain safety precautions but then organizers blamed the shutdown on the weather (which was btw fine today).

    I personally had a ball, it definitely was not a fyre festival situation – even with a day cancelled, I had a full experience. That being said, I feel for anyone who got shafted and literally hurt by poor planning and there isn’t an excuse for that.

    Rank: Dew
    Points: 9.25

    update – it is storming pretty bad today. I believe the weather cancellation is legit. It would have been a mess getting everyone out today.

    Local Scene: Austin, TX
    Rank: Flurry
    Points: 21019

    Damn, they really hyped up the news about it on social media. I hadn’t taken the time to look into it and just saw tornados, hazardous weather conditions at Texas Eclipse, Fyre 2.0, and that’s what stuck in my mind.

    Sucks that someone died. Running out of water is definitely a big problem at an event of that size.

    For those who missed this news cycle:

    I think this might be the post I saw, Reddit via Stereogum


    This is the post the fesitval made about the cancellation, via Festive Owl. Wild times we’re living in but good on FestiveOwl for not feeding into the “Fyre 2.0” hype

    Thank you @moldy for posting a recap

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