SUSTO – Friends, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Whatever (Music Video)

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    SUSTO – Friends, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Whatever (Music Video)
    Published: July 14, 2016

    SUSTO – Friends, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Whatever (Music Video)

    SUSTO is back at it again with the white… kids playing music on stage at Royal American! Here’s their newest music video, for “Friends, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Whatever”. The footage was taken at the Hearts & Plugs Summer Shindig by Dries Vandenberg of Human Resources, with live audio recorded by Matt Zutell of Human Resources and Coast Records. They’ve just formed a new multimedia group called Wav, and with it they plan to do more like this to promote the budding music scene in Charleston.

    In this video you can watch some of the epicness that was SUSTO’s performance at the Shindig, which I’ve already touched upon on Extra Chill. Word on the street is that this video is the first in Wav’s series called the SUSTO sessions. Hearing that makes me excited to see what Vandenberg, Zutell and SUSTO have got in store for us next. This is some real quality stuff, from the music, to the video, to the recording. It’s nice to see that everyone supports each other in the Charleston scene, and I’m confident that this will only continue in the future.

    SUSTO has been working on a new album, and I look forward to hearing that soon. If you’re just itching to hear some new music from them, they played a couple new songs at Sixthman in Atlanta a little while back. That should hold you over until they finish that album. As always, don’t forget to do your part and spread the werd about all this dope shit happening in Charleston right now.

    Also, don’t miss the upcoming Human Resources show at Royal American on July 30th with Beach Tiger, Myfever, and Exwhy. It’s gonna be lit.

    Up next: High Water Festival Charleston, SC

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