Sexbruise? – “‘Rona” (Video)

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    Sexbruise? – “‘Rona” (Video)
    Published: March 30, 2020

    Last week, Charleston parody band Sexbruise? released a COVID-19-inspired track called “‘Rona”. The track was released along with a music video that the band members collaborated on from a distance, each filming their respective parts on their phones. As you might have guessed, “‘Rona” is a song about Coronavirus and social isolation, having fun with the unfortunate circumstances that we’re all dealing with right now.

    “‘Rona” is a silly song, just like the rest of the Sexbruise? catalog, and the music video is equally silly. It’s also a positive reminder that we’re all in this together, and all going crazy in isolation in our own respective ways. Sexbruise? reminds us to turn off the news and just groove.

    Listen to “‘Rona” below.

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