Motel Glory – “Top Bill” (The Courtroom Sessions)

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    Motel Glory – “Top Bill” (The Courtroom Sessions)
    Published: January 14, 2019

    Rock Hill’s Motel Glory has been around the scene in the upstate of South Carolina for almost 10 years. This past weekend, they played at the third annual Dumb Sweater Fest at Rock Hill’s DIY hub, The Courtroom. We took the trip to Rock Hill for the second night of Dumb Sweater Fest, which means we didn’t get to see Motel Glory’s set, but we did catch Gardeners and several other Rock Hill bands on Saturday night.

    Back in September, Scene SC made the trip from Columbia to Rock Hill to film live sessions in The Courtroom with a few of the local bands. Motel Glory was one of those bands, and today we’re happy to share Scene SC’s live session featuring them playing “Top Bill”, a song that has yet to be released. Motel Glory is part of the Real South Records roster, and they’re set to release a new album later this year.

    As we learned this weekend, The Courtroom has come to define the Rock Hill music scene. We’ve got a full feature on Dumb Sweater Fest coming soon, along with an interview with Motel Glory bassist Mike Gentry, who is also the one who handles most of the booking in Rock Hill. More on that later. For now, enjoy Motel Glory performing “Top Bill” live at The Courtroom, courtesy of Scene SC.

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