Modest Mouse – Dramamine (Live 2010)
Published: April 7, 2016
Modest Mouse – Dramamine (Live 9/5/10)
“Dramamine” is one of the best Modest Mouse songs, and this performance has the band at top notch. It has the tendency to put you in a trance right from that opening guitar part. Here’s a dope video of Modest Mouse playing “Dramamine” live at Into The Great Wide Open Festival 2010, in Vlieland, The Netherlands. Issac Brock is in top form in this video, not too drunk to play a great show, but drunk enough to feel confident. In other words, he was exactly where we want him to be. The crowd, on the other hand. Well, let’s just ignore them. Enjoy.
Up next: Manchester Orchestra – Top Notch (Live 2014)