Melodik – “Let Me Know” ft. Renni Rucci (Video)

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    Melodik – “Let Me Know” ft. Renni Rucci (Video)
    Published: November 10, 2020

    Two of South Carolina’s hip-hop queens have teamed up on a very bedroom-friendly new track called “Let Me Know”. Here we have Columbia R&B artist Melodik working with the badass Columbia rapper and exotic dancer Renni Rucci on a song about being direct about your physical needs instead of dancing around the subject to get what you want. Melodik sings about how she’s tired of waiting around for her love interest to make a move, when they obviously both want to get it on. You heard her, gentlemen. Speak up, don’t play games!

    The highly suggestive “Let Me Know” was released yesterday along with an equally suggestive music video directed by Fool With The Camera. Check it out below.

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