Infinite Jaguar – “Ghost Meat” ft. John Ellis, Tim Lefebvre, and Ron Wiltrout (Video)

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    Infinite Jaguar – “Ghost Meat” ft. John Ellis, Tim Lefebvre, and Ron Wiltrout (Video)
    Published: September 12, 2022

    Infinite Jaguar, the project of producer, jazz guitarist, and Ohm Radio co-founder Lee Barbour, released a new single, “Ghost Meat,” last week. The song also features musicians John Ellis, Tim Lefebvre, and Ron Wiltrout and is paired with a campy music video created by Barbour. 

    “Ghost Meat” is an ambient jazz track laden with serene grooves. The layered instrumentation feels both breezy and dynamic, and at times, a little uncanny. Hints of vaporwave are threaded throughout the soundscape, adding a nostalgic touch. 

    The music video is a quirky delight for the eyes, filled with an early-internet vibe smorgasbord of images interposed on top of each other (lightbulbs on clouds, a cat swatting at the lightbulbs), and plenty of swirling retro-space and geometric motifs. 

    “Ghost Meat” is a testament to the sheer talent possessed by each of the musicians involved, as well as to Barbour’s creativity. Watch the video below.

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