Homeschool – “Satisfied” (Video)

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    Homeschool – “Satisfied” (Video)
    Published: November 10, 2020

    Today comes the debut single, “Satisfiied”, from the new Brooklyn based project Homeschool. The project rises from the ashes of the former indie rock band Active Bird Community, which had been a long-running band of childhood friends started when the members were still in middle school. Life goes on, people grow and change, and Active Bird Community has decided to call it quits. Their two most recent records Amends and Stick Around have gotten heavy rotation around here for several years now.

    Homeschool is a new band started by ABC members Tom D’Agustino and Zach Slater. During quarantine they crowdfunded an entirely new Active Bird Community record, but since the band dissolved the money went towards what will be the debut Homeschool record.

    “Satisfied” is our first taste of what Tom and Zach have been working on. The vibe is pretty similar to what Active Bird Community did at times, yet slowed down and chilled out a bit, with an added dose of abstraction in the lyrics. What I’m hearing is a song about having your guard up and pretending to be happy with the way your life is going, but desperately wanting a change deep down. The video shows Tom possessed by an old dresser that he’s refurbished, that sucks him into another dimension.

    Check out “Satisfied” by Homeschool below.

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