Heyrocco Release ‘Mexican Ashtray’ EP

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    Local Scene: Austin, TX
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    Heyrocco Release ‘Mexican Ashtray’ EP
    Published: August 16, 2019

    Heyrocco has just released a new EP called Mexican Ashtray. This is the first album release from Heyrocco since the EP Waiting on Cool dropped in 2016, and also their first album release since their move from Charleston to California almost two years ago. Instead of wondering what took them so long to release new music, just enjoy it because it’s nice and spicy, just like your favorite brand of hot sauce in your very own Mexican Ashtray.

    In case you’re wondering what exactly a Mexican Ashtray is, Heyrocco put out a video on Instagram to explain. Basically, though, a Mexican Ashtray is any Mexican brand of beer mixed with hot sauce, lime, and spices. See Heyrocco’s recipe below:

    Heyrocco’s Mexican Ashtray Recipe
    • Cold Tecate
    • Valentina on rim
    • Salt / Blk Pepper
    • Lime

    As Heyrocco points out, the Mexican Ashtray recipe varies from family to family, and here at Extra Chill we have a slightly different recipe:

    Extra Chill’s Mexican Ashtray Recipe
    • Chilled Tecate
    • Tabasco on rim
    • Black pepper
    • Fresh lime juice

    We believe that Tabasco is the superior hot sauce brand, and it adds that Extra kick to keep you going. We also prefer to skip the salt, and discard the lime after squeezing out some juice on the rim. Crack that can open and let the ingredients fall into your beer, then take a sip. The Tabasco will make your lips tingle, and you’ll want to drink it faster in hopes of washing away the spice, but it only gets stronger as you keep drinking.

    The only solution is to make another one and give Heyrocco’s Mexican Ashtray EP a spin.

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