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Last week, the LA-based Heyrocco released two new songs, “Hollywood” and “Do Your Worst.” The tracks show Heyrocco experimenting with two distinct styles.
“Hollywood” takes the rambunctious, rock ‘n’ roll route. While the sound is guitar-driven, some vocal harmonies add interest and keep it from being too on-the-nose. Lyrics like “strike a pose” make it clear that the subject matter is tinseltown. The track ends with a spoken thank-you, kitschy TV variety show music jingling in the background.
“Do Your Worst” is softer, with a reggae influence that is made evident from the opening sound of ocean waves. The tropical mood is punctuated with the beat of a steel drum. Melodically, “Do Your Worst” is sweet, and the lyrics deal mostly in matters of unconditional love: “only love will set you free / so love do your worst on me.”
As with most Heyrocco songs, these two tracks give listeners the sense that the band doesn’t take itself too seriously. Their willingness to explore genres is what makes them interesting, and what keeps us eagerly waiting to hear what they’ll throw our way next.
Stream “Hollywood” and “Do Your Worst” by Heyrocco below.