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Today, Doom Flamingo have released their debut EP, a hard-hitting electric apocalypse called DOOM. The EP comes almost exactly a full year after their incarnation at an official Umphrey’s McGee afterparty here in Charleston, and was released on Umphrey’s label Nothing Too Fancy Music. The DOOM EP was also recorded here in Charleston with Matt Zutell of Coast Records, who also produced and mixed the project.
DOOM represents the dark side of the two-headed beast that is Doom Flamingo. The songs are downright dark and dirty and seem to be designed for the late night festival shows that the band was created for. You can just picture yourself at 2am in a field full of people whose eyes are still just as wide as yours, and you’re all kind of terrified, but also kind of having the time of your life. Remember, you’re all on the same ride together. Even the band. Especially the band.
This what Doom Flamingo has to say about the EP, according to the press release they sent over this morning:
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” -Stephen King
Doom Flamingo counteracts the scary side of the beast with the bright, summery FLAMINGO side, which is the title to the follow-up EP that the band plans to release soon. Check out recent single “Somebody” for a sampling of that. There is also a comic book in the works featuring characters from the artwork on the band’s album covers, and many more Doom Flamingo goodies planned for the near future. They’re doing everything short of a tour, for reasons that don’t need explaining.
Your next chance at a Doom Flamingo stream is the upcoming Summer Camp Virtual Festival, taking place this coming weekend. Here’s to hoping that we can all actually appreciate this music in its preferred environment sooner rather than later.