Dead on the Deck Inflation

  • 7
    Rank: Puddle
    Points: 37.5

    Dead on the Deck is now $7 on Wednesdays. I love the Reckoning, and have I gone to Poho almost every Wednesday for two years, but I hardly even have $5 in cash every week as it is.

    Since I have been going regularly for the past couple years, I have noticed a bit of a demographic switch. Back when I was 19 and 20 (lol) the deck was full of people that were there for the music (myself and friends included). I feel like this year, the majority of people who go (who are around my age; seniors in college, just graduated, ect.) are going to the deck to socialize rather than for their weekly Dead.

    Of course I am so happy to see DOTD so popular, but it pages the question if it is for the right reasons. Older deck goers have you noticed this change over the past year? and what do we think about the $2 price change?

    Local Scene: Austin, TX
    Rank: Flurry
    Points: 21019

    I remember when Dead on the Deck was free. That was when I was 19 or 20, and there were like 50 people who showed up. I was the annoying college kid shouting out songs for them to play and they actually played them sometimes back then. They also used to play at Juanitas for free on Thursday nights.

    It got busier and busier over the years and in 2019 or 2020 they made it $5.

    Personally, I’m cool with the increased cover charge. It’s supply and demand in action. The band needs to get paid, they’re up there every Wednesday for over 10 years, I’m sure that as they age life continues to become more complex and difficult to make those Wednesday night shows every single week.

    Getting them an extra $2 per head could be enough to keep the series going another 5 years. Good things don’t last forever, unfortunately.

    Increasing the cover will also make it more people who are there for the music rather than the social hour. It will shift the crowd older, and older people have more money to spend on booze and tip the bartenders, who are also out there every week dealing with the hippie social hour.

    Huge fan of Dead on the Deck of course.

    Local Scene: Charleston, SC
    Rank: Puddle
    Points: 41.5

    I’ll still be there grooving every Wednesday night. I wish it was still free, but what can you do? The Reckoning are one of the best Grateful Dead cover bands I’ve ever seen!

    Sometimes, I would hate to be the band playing after them on the main stage.

    Rank: Crisp Air
    Points: 83.75

    You pay for your drinks- you should pay for the music too! Cheers to getting musicians paid!!!

    Local Scene: Charleston
    Rank: Crisp Air
    Points: 75.5

    Still the cheapest cover/ticket in chas….. (unless its free, of course)

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