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Have you ever found yourself in a great place in life, where everything seems to work out, and you haven’t screwed up in a while? Well, it’s time to throw it all out the window and “Self-Sabotage” with Crab Claw.
The new single was released this morning alongside an animated music video created by Grant Lindahl, who works as a content designer for Comedy Central. It chronicles a mature Crab Claw, who is feeling pretty good about his life, has a new apartment and a loving girlfriend. He’s been laying off the “Nose Beers” and getting it all together. But he can’t shake that burning feeling, and “Self-Sabotage” explains what happens next.
“Self-Sabotage” is the first new release from Crab Claw since the full-length album Memories Arise was released earlier this year. Check out the video below, and don’t forget to take your own personal backslide this holiday season.