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This morning, Chris Wilcox dropped another single off his upcoming album, Chris Wilcox & the Boys called “Voodoo Queen”. The album was recorded at Coast Records here in Charleston, and will be released later this month. We sat down with Chris at Coast Records a few months back to discuss his music in detail, and you can read that interview and see an exclusive live session featuring the previous single, “Some Kind of Wild” here.
“Voodoo Queen” is my personal favorite track off Chris Wilcox & the Boys. Chris brings some rasp to his vocals on the hook here that we haven’t heard from him yet, and I would love to see him continue to explore in that direction going forward.
Chris Wilcox & the Boys will play an album release show at The Royal American on Saturday, June 29th, where they’ll be joined by Darby Wilcox and Cayla Fralick. He’ll have copies of the album available on CD that night so you can hear this thing for yourself. Show is $10 at the door, and doors open at 9pm.