Black Nicholson – “Goldie”

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    Black Nicholson – “Goldie”
    Published: September 16, 2020

    Flying under our radar in recent weeks was the new single, “Goldie” from Black Nicholson, the lo-fi bedroom project of Charleston native Bradley Alexander Beckman. “Goldie” is a grainy, soulful groove for all the fans of DIY recording that read this website, which I know there are quite a few. According to the recent interview that Beckman did with What The Funk?, he records all of the instruments and vocals himself, on his iPhone in his bedroom. That gives the song almost a misty feel, and contributes to a mellow hum that rolls through from the bass, and floats out with the vocals. It’s a vibe for sure, with an undeniable sense of cool.

    “Goldie” is the second single to come from the Black Nicholson project, the first being “The Closest Thing to Magic”, released earlier this year.

    Listen to “Goldie” by Black Nicholson below, and stay tuned for the next single coming later this week.

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