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Jonesville, SC native and TikTok phenom Aubrey Key released two new songs on Friday: “Jobber” and “Ripoff.” His music is, while completely in a category of its own, best described as a sort of mumbly psych folk energized by melodies that skew indie-pop. The new tracks are representative of this amalgamation.
“Jobber” melds garage ethos with underdog sensibilities. “I’m tired of losing,” Key repeats throughout the song, and while the sentiment might be hangdog, sonically, the track is bright, with steady, strumming guitar and a few licks of ukulele.
“Ripoff” is outwardly pessimistic — the opening lyric is “everyone person I meet’s a jack off / every song I write’s a ripoff / of a song nobody knows / every day that I wake up / there’s a new excuse to make up / to not get up and put on any clothes.” Musically, it’s more complex, alternating between dreamy shoegaze ambience and more ukulele.
With two great songs released out of the gate, Aubrey Key is poised to have an exciting 2022. We’re looking forward to following along. In the meantime, stream “Jobber” and “Ripoff” below.