This morning, we’re excited to announce ‘An Extra Chill Holiday Party’ at The Royal American on Friday, December 14th. We’ve curated a stacked lineup that includes She Returns From War, Dumb Doctors, and Youngster. Come on out and celebrate the holiday season with some of the best local music around!
The festivities will begin at 9pm and run through the end of the evening. If you wear an Ugly Holiday Sweater, tickets are $10 at the door. If not, they’ll be $15.
She Returns From War just released their long-awaited new album, Mirrored Moon Dance Hall. Dumb Doctors are fresh off the release of their new album, Nervous System. Youngster recently finished recording their debut album, Rosa’s Cantina, and it will be released soon. They’ll be keeping the party alive all night long, with plenty of new tunes to go around.
Listen to music from all three artists below, and RSVP on Facebook here. See y’all on December 14th!