Amethyst in SC Releases Massive Collaborative Hip-Hop Album

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    Local Scene: Austin, TX
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    Amethyst in SC Releases Massive Collaborative Hip-Hop Album
    Published: June 19, 2020

    Back in December, around fifty different rappers, singers, and producers from South Carolina came together to make a piece of South Carolina music history. Organized by Charleston creative powerhouse Black Dave, the project was a massive undertaking that included a two-day recording session at Summerville’s Mega Entertainment, and several months of post-production and promotion that has finally come full circle.

    Amethyst was released this morning, on the historic date of Juneteenth, the day that is recognized and celebrated as the official end of the Civil War and thus the ending of the disgusting institution of slavery in the United States.

    Dave has long been a vocal critic of the lack of collaboration in the South Carolina hip-hop community, citing it as the main reason why nobody from Charleston has blown up. With Amethyst, he took the initiative to change that, or at least to start changing that, and the result is a completely badass 90 or so minute album, with 27 songs that each feature a different mix of emcees, producers, and singers.

    Amethyst is available on all digital streaming platforms, and there is also a deluxe edition available at that includes the album, a digital booklet, and a collection of demos from the sessions. It’s only $10 and more than worth the price, both for the music and for the opportunity to support the project and encourage more like this in the future.

    Listen to Amethyst below. Scroll down for a list of all South Carolina creatives involved in the project with links to their Instagram pages. Follow, support, share, and bump this shit all day long.

    Black Dave@blackdaveblackdave
    A. Hale – ?
    Big Ghini@bigghini
    Bluflame James@bluflamejames
    Chase Jams@chasejams_
    CrucialBGR @crucialbgr
    DJ Scrib – @djscrib06
    Fe Sensei
    H3RO @yourh3ro
    Heartbreak Hutch@heartbreakhutch
    J Danzo@jdanzo
    Jah Jr.@jahjr_
    Kaizer @kaitheczar
    Kay Marie@_kaymarieee
    Lil Texas Pete – ?
    Matt Monday@_mondaymusic
    Neno Kasanova@its_nenofr2x
    R Dotta@rdotta843
    Ray Lejune@raylejune_shine
    Rob Davis@robdavis803
    Scene Jesus@scene_jesus
    Shyland Flowers@shylandflowers
    Sunny Malin@sunnymalinmusic
    Tyler Cash@tylerluxury
    Yng Matre$$@yngmatress

    P.S. – If I missed anybody please shoot me a DM @extrachill and I’ll add you ASAP.

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