1770 Records Presents: 80s Prom Night with Whitehall and Midnight Endeavor

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    1770 Records Presents: 80s Prom Night with Whitehall and Midnight Endeavor
    Published: March 19, 2019

    The College of Charleston’s student-run 1770 Records has cooked up another one for us, this time featuring Whitehall and Midnight Endeavor playing what’s been dubbed 80s Prom Night. The show will take place on Saturday, April 6th in The Room at 233 Meeting Street, which is upstairs at Sticky Fingers. As you might have guessed, 80s attire is encouraged.

    Midnight Endeavor just finished up their first-ever tour that took them on a two-week run all the way up to Toronto and back. The show on April 6th will be their first hometown show since before the tour, with the previous one being at a Beware of Dog House show earlier this month, where they played with Whitehall right before they hit the road. 80s Prom should be a nice chance to see how they’ve grown during their inaugural tour.

    Whitehall also has a new sax player, as former member Pat Magwood left the band not long after the release of Ocean Fiction last October, and this show will be the new guy’s second time playing out with the band. He seemed to fit right in at that Beware of Dog show, so I expect Whitehall to bring an even stronger set this time.

    Tickets to 80s Prom are $15 and available here.

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