• 2
    Local Scene: Austin, TX
    Rank: Flurry
    Points: 21019

    I’m a big fan of 90s hip-hop and I know a lot of other people are too. This thread is a starting point for sharing 90s tracks, albums, and artists and talking about them.

    “Can I Live” by Jay-Z is one of my favorites

    Just a toad, man!
    Rank: Crisp Air
    Points: 74

    Can’t believe I’m the first person to chime in here aside from you. Personally I’m a huge fan of the Ol Dirty Bastard. His raw energy is so unique and iconic for this era.

    Rank: Puddle
    Points: 61.5

    Temptations — a concept I’m quite familiar with. Happy to lend my recommendation.

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