The Inhibitors – “Email”

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    Rank: Crisp Air
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    The Inhibitors – “Email”
    Published: September 13, 2023

    The Charleston-bred band The Inhibitors turned loose their new single “Email” on August 10th. Produced by Elliot Elsey, the Grammy award-winning engineer on Ranky Tanky’s Good Time album, which was named Best Regional Roots Album in 2019.

    “Email” takes a dig at the everyday pleasantries and formalities in societal norms through tactics like the use of kill switches that contribute to the tremolo-like effect of the sharp rhythm.

    Their prog metal-influenced sound is distinct through combining “pummeling bass lines, fuzzed-out guitars, and satirical lyrics” with cut-through angst that hits home to those who can relate to the annoyance of surface-level diplomatic coded behavior. 

    The lucidly complex lyrics from lead singer Josh Butler, a.k.a. Dean Mean, “I hope this email finds you well” and “how bout this weather,” followed by the candid howling afterthoughts “I’m not well” and “Fuck You,” accompanied by the static guitar that screams anticapitalism in all its glory. 

    The group is solid in their revitalized take on inspirations like the Viagra Boys and Butthole Surfers. The Inhibitors are a dark horse in the fading Charleston punk rock scene that hones in on a demanding interest in a musical art that has fallen somewhat by the wayside in recent years.

    Check out The Inhibitors at The Purple Buffalo this Saturday—only addressing them by their alter ego names, of course.

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