Several famous rappers have notably come up with their names using rapper name generators including Childish Gambino and Post Malone. Whether you’re looking for an actual rapper name or you just want to mess around with a rap name generator, we’ve got you covered here at Extra Chill.
We’ve built this cool little widget that generates a unique rapper name based on the input that you provide. This input can be your real name, your nickname or any other word or phrase that you desire to be included in your rapper name.
Then, the rapper name generator spits out a rapper name. If you don’t like the one that pops out first, simply reconfigure your options and try again. Or, just press the generate button again.
Before we get into it, we will provide some simple instructions on how to use our rap name generator. This is similar to the old Wu-Tang name generator that we all remember, except it includes other genres of hip-hop as well, plus an option to randomize the response.
To use the rap name generator:
Type your name, or any word you want to be used in your rapper name
Choose your gender: male, female, or non-binary.
Choose your rapper style: old school, trap, grime, conscious, or random.
Choose the number of words: 2 or 3
Click Generate Rap Name
And now, without further ado, we present the goods! If you like this, also check out our band name generator.
Rapper Name Generator
Rapper Style:
Old School
Number of words:
Let us know your favorite responses in the comments below!