J.S. Terry – “The Unmistakable Sound of a Heart Beating in Love” (Video)
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This afternoon, J.S. Terry quietly dropped the music video for their most recent single, “The Unmistakable Sound of a Heart Beating in Love”. The single was released in September, along with the announcement for the sophomore album from the project, titled And You Loom Over Me Like a Mountain. Now, with the just-released music video, it’s safe to assume more news about that album is right around the corner.
The video for “The Unmistakable Sound of a Heart Beating in Love” is recorded with what seems to be the same VHS camera that was used for all the Pablo Presents videos. It shows footage of J.S. Terry and friends as they explore and play music, with cuts lined up with appropriate points in the song. It’s a little odd that the video seems to be about friendship when the song is so clearly about love, but I still enjoyed watching it.
Watch the video for “The Unmistakable Sound of a Heart Beating in Love” by J.S. Terry below.